What Does A Paralegal Do? A Brief Explanation - Paralegal Advisor

Saturday, June 20, 2015

What Does A Paralegal Do? A Brief Explanation

What does a paralegal do becomes a particular question especially because law practitioners have quite many calls. Those who do not come from law background get confuse upon the technical term of advocate, lawyer, legal and paralegal. These four terms of expressions have one thing in common; generally they are person who performs law capability in front of clients. But when it comes to paralegal, some specialities follow.  This speciality becomes an important matter of the question of what does a paralegal do, because this is what make paralegal distinct from other law practitioner both regarding the legal matters and the qualification. 

What does a paralegal do? Basically they work to help cases done. But, if lawyers offer law services to the public directly and can perform in court, paralegal can’t. However, lawyers need paralegals especially to do both the pre examine and examine the case. Examining the documents, checking the law records, making the required requisite, are the basic portrait of what does a paralegal do. 

To get a hopefully clearer portray of what does a paralegal do, let us perform an example. Imagine there is a client comes to one law firm, bringing the case of unlawful trespassing. Generally, clients are those who do not have any law background, so when they first come to the law firm, they will tell all of the details. In sort, they will tell a story about what was happened, everything they feel necessary while actually not all of what they say contains the essence of law. For example, they will tell how their feeling was when some strangers trespassed their property, which will surely take more than just a couple minute. Law does not count the feeling and only want to have the brief, the law contains. However, professional law firm should not cut the client stories considering etiquette and good services. Professional lawyers generally do not have time for this, and therefore the paralegals take it for them. This is where the answer of what does a paralegal do starts; they filter clients’ story to make the law conclusion about it. 

Later, what does a paralegal do? They will examine the story and find the related law basic that connects to client cases. Paralegals will also help the client to identify their position on such cases, what that case is all about in the matters of law and he or she can do next. This particular job of paralegals make them should master law knowledge and be able to face client, and therefore some of what does a paralegal do is to consult with client. 

Lately, the lawyer will bring the case in the court and after the case is finished, what does a paralegal do? They will list that case to the right documentary and do the final touch as what the judge order. A lawyer perform in court is actually a very little portray of the whole legal process. Hopefully now it is clear enough about what does a paralegal do.
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